About Me


Ma numesc Tony Daccre Barat, nascut in Bucovina Romania.

Provin dintr- un mediu de mici negustori de materiale de constructii si textile.
Bunicii mei au fost oameni profund religiosi, traditionalisti, cu mare respect fata de munca si de oameni, cu un respect deosebit fata de lege si morala, fara probleme materiale majore.

De mic copil vorbesc 4 limbi materne: ivrit, iddish, romana si franceza.
Am trait intr-un mediu social in care se vorbea rusa, polona, germana si fiecare persoana avea conceptii de viata si filozofii diferite.
Am fost intotdeauna un elev bun.

Am plecat in Israel, cu familia si cu 20Kg. de imbracaminte, dintr-o avere de proprietari ai unei intregi strazi.
In Israel, aratind ca un emigrant din Europa de Est, scuzindu-ma la fiecare 2-3 cuvinte, am crezut ca tot timpul gresesc si trebuie sa ma scuz. Dupa o saptamana mi-a trecut.

Stiam limba si m-am adaptat din mers. Erau anii 60 si prea multa politete intr-o tara ca Israelul era suspect.
Au urmat: Armata, studiile la Facultatea de Stiinte Sociale, Politice si Adm. Publica la Universitatea din Haifa, iar mai tirziu implinirea visului de a studia la Paris, Stiinte Politice, Administratie, Justitie Quotidiana.

Intre timp, am participat la trei razboaie, cunosc o multime de oameni, si ca mine sunt sase milioane de israelieni. Aceasta este povestea mea si a lor.
Acum sunt in ceace se numeste in toate limbile pe care le vorbesc, calatorie in trecut, la radacinile mele, peste care, intre timp, a trecut un tsunami istoric.Stiu exact cine, cum si de ce s-a declansat, dar astazi nu mai este la moda sa cauti vinovatii. Just happened, sau, Ze pashut kara, adica, pur si simplu s-a intimplat.
Ce am invatat noi toti din aceasta si ce ii vom invata pe urmasii nostrii, este cum sa nu mai creeze valuri devastatoare. 

Ie beseder ve ie tov, adica, Totul va fi in ordine si va fi bine.  Tzarich lekavot tamid, adica, Trebuie sa speram mereu. Le Shana a baa be Ierushalaim a bnuia, adica, Anul care vine sa ne gaseasca in Ierusalimul reconstruit.

Been born and grown up in a multi-cultural environment in Bucovina, North Romania, who people spoke many languages, I never had problems of communication in all those languages and dialects.

The same thing happened in Israel and in France. For that, in my educational time in France, I took a year of linguistically analysis course at Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle.

During all my educational and professional life, I never stopped to write poetry in my four mother tongues, to be involved in cultural activities, like Art group, exhibition and languages courses, trying to explain and to understand the meaning of words, based on Hebrew heritage.


I have developed an alphabet,  who make an easy transition from Hebrew – Aramaic, to European languages.

A = א ;  B = Vet = V = ב = בּ = Bet;  G = ג = C;  D = ד = Dalet;  E = ה = Hei (Ei);    F = V = U ( latin ) =  ו ( vav) etc.

You can see here confusion at 6th letter of  alphabet.  

Ex. German VON=FON=FROM. 

Like that you can write Hebrew in Latin, using even the ancient Hebrew-Canaanite  alphabet.

I can show to every one, the deformations  of words by translation, hand writing, printing, or bad intention. 

In Hebrew you can build a word based on 3 root letters –1,2,3. = The pattern, and mathematically the combinations can be x { 1,2,3,} y.               

From here can appear many deformations. x, y, are particles like נ,ש,מ,כ,ב,א = A, B, C, M, N, S.  

If you put 2 particles, you don’t recognize the original  word.


To allow and to give to those who does not read and write Hebrew and want to study a dictionary a coherent system to learn new languages. To show to people that Hebrew and the ancient Mediterranean cultures are closer to Europe culture, and the languages are not so different.


To compare the sense, meaning destination of words in several languages. Even more to compare the social, economical, religious, cultural meaning of words.

According to Hebrew each word is a capsule of information. Even more each letter is a cod of information. In my system, transforming Aleph in A , Beth in B, the information can not be loosed, as Europeans are thinking.

Each word has a private history. For each word I build a special decoding theory , and till now I have more than 10000 words, connecting Hebrew-Aramaic-Canaanite Arabic, with European languages. It will be nearly 10000 pages of demonstrations. I am sending a list of Europeans and Hebrew words correlated.


Word like: Semite, Phoenician, Goy, Pharisee, Iscariot, Holocaust, Jew, Hebrew, etc. were deformed and manipulated from their initial Hebrew meaning. This is part of my theory.

On the other hand it is easy to develop a technique to write Arabic, Persian, Greek, Russian, etc. in Latin alphabet and I will like to do it with you.


I finished the chapter for the A-Z letter (in Romanian), and I have all the material for the rest of the alphabet. I am trying to arrange the rest of the alphabet, in connection with more languages. It is a big project, but if you have the key, and I have it, it`s now a mater only of technical work.


The goal is to have, to finish and to publish a Multilingual comparative words dictionary.
I am sure and know there is a great market for it and because I can’t do it alone, I need your help, knowledge and facilities to achieve it.


From all my life experience, military training, education, work and daily life, I learned that linguistic is not only the study of people’s languages. It is more than that : is private and social behavior, the understanding of word secret meaning. We must search comparable philosophies of languages and not only simplest words.

Tony Daccre Barat 01.06.03. 14.00 H

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